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发表于 2021-7-19 14:06:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
陈雷激老师讲古琴 (A speech about Guqin learning by Master Chen Leiji)

一、关于音乐: About Music:

● 音和音乐是不一样的,大多数人可以弹出音,却没有音乐;

- Key notes are different to music – most people know how to play notes, but cannot express music.

● 无论流派,音乐才是最重要的;

- Regardless of you or your teacher’s “school”, MUSIC is the most important aspect.

● 音乐的画面感在演奏者心里,但你却需要通过技术把这些画面感呈现出来,让听众也感受到;

- The picture of your music only exist in the player’s own head, but you have to use your techniques to “draw” these pictures to your audience, and let them see it too.

● 音乐归根结底是人的问题,人的情怀,情怀有多大,音乐就会有多大;

- Music is dependent on the person playing it. The vision and feelings of the person. Therefore, the bigger your vision and feelings, the greater your music will be.

● 音乐中,分寸感是很重要的,也是很难掌握的;

- In music, it is very important to control the extent of expression, which is also extremely difficult to control.

● 音乐中所有的“散”以及“自由”,都要靠严谨和规则来支撑。规则是通往自由的唯一路径;

- All the breaks and freedom in music are all based on carefully measured and tested rules – rules, or understanding of music theory and interpretation is the only path to true musical freedom.

● 音乐中的每一个音都是有生命的。因此,每一个音的走向也就都有它们的道理存在;

- Every note in the music should have its own life, therefore each notes’ expression should be carefully reasoned through and expressed.

● 蔡元培先生说过:中国教育的关键是“信仰”和“科学”。中国文化中很讲“感觉”,而感觉的东西太多太虚。西方文化则注重通过严谨的方式把感觉落到实处。西方音乐和东方音乐的律动是不一样的,即使节奏型相同,但音乐中的律动都不同。西方音乐更加注重每个音之间的关系,音的关系是能够算出来的,但是,算出来之前,必须靠扎实的技术来实现;

- Master Cai Yuanpei once said: “China’s education is highly based on ‘faith’ and ‘feelings’. However, these are too vague to catch or control. Western culture on the other hand values meticulous logic, and solidify feelings through reasoning. The rhythm of Western and Eastern music are therefore different. Even based on the same tempo, the rhythms are of two origins. Western music pays great attention to the relationship between every note, and these relationships can be calculated mathematically. However only truly solid skill of your fingerings can express these relationships.

● 中国音乐的学问不是能在琴谱上看得到的

- The depth of Chinese music is not written on the music script itself, it’s more spiritual, therefore requires a lot of feelings, plus a good knowledge of the cultural historical phenomenon.

● 学习中国传统音乐,就要多听西洋音乐,听别人的才能更好地了解自己;

- To learn classical Chinese music, one need to listen more to Western music. Looking through a different perspective can help us better understand ourselves.

● 中国音乐如同中国绘画,一种白纸就已经是一幅作品。任何作画,都只是“补白”;

- Chinese music is like Chinese painting – a blank sheet of paper itself is already a piece of work. Any addition to the blankness is merely “touching up”.

二、关于古琴演奏:About Guqin Performance:

● 演奏古琴要摒弃虚荣心,人的“真”很重要;

- To perform Guqin, one has to at least temporarily leave their vanity behind. It is important to be sincere even just for the moment.

● 演奏古琴的琴人,最终还是一个文人的气质,潇洒儒雅的气质;

- Guqin is created by literati, and most music of Guqin written by literati, so a truly good performer will have the charisma of a literati – which mean it is a good idea to look through history, and see what is the Chinese’s definition of a true literati.

● 每首乐曲的第一个音,无论怎样都会是对的。但是,当第二个音一出现,与第一个音之间形成走向和关系时,对错好坏就有了;

- The first note of every single piece will always be right – you can’t make mistake with that. But it is when the second note appears, and creates a relationship and pattern with the first note, we can determine whether your performance is good or bad, and your music is correct or wronged.

● 古琴演奏中,只给演奏者两个音。用两个音的机会赋予乐曲生命,并用两个音吸引听者;

- Think about this, if in a performance, you are only given two notes, just two – to bring your music to life, and attract your audience – how would you achieve this?

● 古琴弹奏时,演奏者要清晰知道自己的演奏动机,知道为什么快,为什么慢;

- Throughout performing, the performer has to clearly understand each note they are playing, that there is a clear underlying reason to every single note – why fast, why slow.

● 古琴曲的律动与人心脏的律动是很接近的,这也是为什么古琴曲会让人舒服的原因。因此,弹奏者要与音乐在相同的律动中同呼吸,所谓“人琴合一”便是如此;

- Guqin’s rhythm is extremely similar to the rhythm of human heart, which is why many say it is very soothing listening to Guqin. Therefore, the performer has to pace their breathe as they play. Think of it as you are singing – only you are doing it through your Guqin.

● 弹奏古琴要懂得“偷懒”,这个偷懒是说让自己舒服,因为放松舒服的状态一定是好的;

Performing Guqin, one need to learn to be a little “lazy” – meaning knowing how to make yourself feel comfortable. Being comfortable helps you relax, thus perform at your best.

● 古琴演奏选择曲目时,不应该选择自己吃力的作品;

- On performaing occasion, avoid any piece that you have little or no confidence in.

三、关于日常练习:About practice:

● 古琴是练出来的,不是弹出来的;

- Guqin master come from accumulative practice, not playing without repetition and thinking.

● 古琴曲目虽然大多是节奏较慢的,但是练习中要多选择更快的曲子。这就如同你能扛得了100斤重,扛50斤的时候才会觉得轻松;

- Although most Guqin music are fairly slow in tempo, but it is important to try practice it at above normal speed. This is like if you can lift 10kg weight, then you will feel much better when you only need to lift 5k

原文地址:https://www.facebook.com/4815179 ... 798701156/?sfnsn=mo

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