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美麗靈魂與共振-醉漁唱晚 (作者:陳道)

发表于 2014-11-4 00:08:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最後由 yiminnn 於 2014-11-4 00:26 編輯

音樂是由一連串數也數不清的共振組成,心靈也是分分秒秒都在不停地振動,所以 Emotion = Energy,當一個音符進入了你的生命裡,並且和你的情感產生了共鳴,當彼此有一樣的振動、一樣的連結,在那個當下,你的心也就會被深深地感動,你也能完整地進入了歌曲所要呈現的意境和覺受,音樂偉大的力量便是在這裡了,因為他不僅僅是娛樂的工具而已,他更擁有了強大的力量,能夠操控所有聽眾的情緒,這一份傳染力不受時間、空間、國籍、性別、人種,以及年齡的種種限制,只要音樂性強,伴隨著感動,就能夠輕易地進入了每個人的靈魂深處裡面去。

說到一位音樂共振力超強的女歌手,我要特別推薦義大利的不朽傳奇,也就是一代歌姬 Mina,她從上一個世紀 60 年代起便成名至今,從此屹立歌壇、始終不搖,奠定一代巨星無人能夠撼動的地位,聽說她這 20 年來,從不上電視露臉,也絶不接受各種宣傳以及採訪,只維持著平均一年一張作品與世人見面,繼續用她獨特的魅力,電昏世人早已麻痺以久的靈魂;Mina 又被稱為義大利輕音樂教母(Musica Leggera),在她的祖國早就是已經家喻戶曉的傳奇女歌手了,她憑藉著自己那厚實又高亢的完美嗓音,早早風靡樂壇,征服了無數人的耳朵,Mina 本名是 Anna Maria Quaini,她出生於 1940 年,故鄉是風景美麗、熱情的義大利利克雷莫納,她唱歌時所散發出來的無與倫比熱情和臨場感十足的渲染力,音樂的能量十分的驚人,伴隨她演唱時狂野的手勢和身體自然的擺動,包準讓每個正在聽她唱歌的人身上所有的細胞也都跟著她一起唱歌,一起跳舞,所以她有 “利克雷莫納之虎"的封號。 聽她唱歌總是讓人很難不愛上她的,她的歌聲總是很愉悅,會讓你跟著她一起快樂了起來,再加上她的音樂有著極強的電影敘事演繹風格,再搭配上她擁有橫跨了三個八度音的寬廣音域,聽她唱歌,你會想要好好地去寵愛她、瞭解她,更想知道為什麼這麼一個直率真誠、鮮活靈動,甚至有點任性的女人,卻有著如此濃郁的情感和醉人的舞台魅力,Mina 到底是一個怎麼樣的女人啊?從另一個角度來說,如果音樂的力量是來自於振動,更進而改變了心靈的力量,並且使我們的內心變得強大與自由,那麼,無庸置疑的 Mina 就是有這樣影響力的歌手。

大家不妨也可以看看,全世界所謂的盲人歌手,或是一些盲人音樂家以及鋼琴家,他們的專業技巧或許都不是最好以及最厲害的,但是他們都同樣擁有能夠讓人感動的 、巨大的音樂傳染力,或許他們的覺受要比我們來的強烈與直接,所以我們總是能夠透過音樂感受到他們所要表達出來的那一股真誠,是的!唯有“真誠"才能夠幫助你從人性各種不同的情緒當中,帶出那獨特動人的音樂美感來 ;其實,人生的過程,和音樂的行進都是一樣的,它們都有著相同的流向,因此不要違背它,只要好好地順從它,順從源自內在的那股感覺和感動就可以了。

所以要彈好醉漁唱晚,首先,我們要放大這首琹曲的情緒和振動的能量,讓他變成一首能夠和我們生命一起共振的歌曲;當然,在此之前,是要先提高自己本身的力量,找出曲子的核心 ;那麼,我們到底該怎麼做呢?首先,我們分析出來,整首曲子有以下六個特點:

第一、 聲波的振動與維持
第二、 漁舟的晃盪與搖擼
第三、 遠方點點漁火的模糊光點
第四、 收工後大醉一場的醺醺然與踉蹌
第五、 歡樂率性的酒後放歌
第六、 自由奔放瀟灑不羈的精神性格……


不管音樂的疆界,總是會被突破與超越,但我可以說,永遠不變的,還是那一份認真與真誠,醉漁的情境是一首交織了勞動者辛勤工作的汗水與收網歡樂酒後的聖歌,在這個特別的精神國度裡,沒有各式禮教的約束,也沒有各種雜七雜八的顧忌,因此想喝酒就大口喝酒、想唱歌就放聲唱歌,這樣的精神是非常的質樸與率性,除去了一切人情世故所必需應對的虛假與矯情 。



茫茫滄海中 有我一扁舟
啊 我隨輕舟航 航向海天會
我把網兒拋灑 像我飛揚的心
我將兒女情絲 忘懷於碧海藍天
滾滾江水東流 洗去塵勞憂傷
喜見魚蝦滿船 溫暖在我的心房
啊 晚霞紅魚帆 快樂歌聲揚

Beauty, Soul, and Reverberations
Musicis comprised of a series of uncountable reverberations, and the mind is also ceaselessly reverberating by the
second. Thus, Emotion = Energy. When a musical note reaches you and reverberates with your sentiment with
the same sympathies and connections, your heart will be deeply moved. Then you can completely get into the
state and sensation that are exhibited by the music. The great power of music is right here: it is not only an
entertaining tool, but also a robust forte that can control the emotion of the audience. This contagion is not
limited by time, space, nationality, ethnicity and age. It can penetrate the deep spot of everybody's soul with its
strong musicality accompanied by its moving force.
Talking about a female singer with super intense reverberations, I would like to strongly recommend an immortal
legend of Italy, the diva, Mina. She has been famous since the 60s of the last century and has become a dominant
and unsurpassed figure in Italian pop music till today. It is said that she has not showed her face on TV or
accepted any commercials and interviews for the past 20 years. She only continues to release one album on a
yearly basis. With her unique charm, she goes on shocking the long numbed souls of the people. Mina, also
called the godmother of the Italian light music (musica leggera), has long been a household legendary singer in
her homeland. With the agility and strength of her perfect voice, she conquered the ear of numerous people.
Mina, originally known as Anna Maria Quaini, was born in the beautiful and passionate city of Cremona, Italy.
The musical energy generated by her incomparable passion and the rendering power of live performance are quite
astonishing; coupled with her wild gestures and spontaneous body shakes, it is guaranteed that every single cell of
the listeners will be singing and dancing with her. For this reason, the public labeled her the Tigress of Cremona.
It is always hard not to fall in love with her when listening to Mina sing. Her voice is always pleasant and makes
you feel happy with her. Moreover, because her music possesses a strong sense of film narrative style of
interpretation, attended by her three-octave vocal range, you cannot help but want to adore her, understand her
when you hear her voice. Furthermore, one wants to know, why a woman who is so straightforward and truthful,
refreshing, or even capricious, can have such strong emotions and intoxicating stage charisma. What kind of a
woman is Mina? On the other hand, if the musical power comes from reverberations and is capable of changing
the strength of our soul and make our hearts strong and free, there is no doubt that Mina is such an effective singer.
We can see, the techniques of the so called blind musicians, including blind singers and pianists, may not be the best
and the most skillful. But they are all capable of presenting us with touching and tremendous musical appeals.
Maybe because their feelings are more intensive and direct than ours, we can always feel the faithfulness that they
want to express. Yes, only “faithfulness” can help us bring forth the uniquely touching musical beauty from the
various emotions of the human nature. In fact, the process of life coincides with the progression of music in a way
that they have the same flow. Therefore, we should not intervene, just resign ourselves to the flow, submit
ourselves to the feelings and the sensations
Consequently, in order to play “Drunken Fisherman Singing in the Evening” well, we need to highlight the emotional
and vibrating energy of the piece to make it a song which can reverberate with our life. Of course, before doing
this, we need to raise our own strength to find the core of the song. What do we do, then? We have analyzed
this piece and find the following characteristics:

1. The reverberations and the preservation of the sound wave
2. The rocking and rowing of the fishing boat
3. The faraway fuzzy spots from the lights of the fishing boats
4. Intoxication caused by drinking after work
5. Joyous and capricious singing after drinking
6. Free spirited and uninhibited intellectual character

With the aforementioned points, it is safe to say that this is definitely a reverberating piece of guqin music, which
exhibits the reverberations between mountain and mountain, heart and heart; the unique communication of the
souls between the fisherman and you. Hence, you should never be inflexible and stiff. On the contrary, you
have to enliven yourself from inside out in order to play it alertly and agilely, naturally and straightforwardly; never
coyly or unctuously. You might ask then, what can we do to play this piece which is so pure in quality? It is
actually quite simple: let yourself have a “good heart”, and that is ample.
The boarder of music can always be broken and surpassed. I will say this, though: that which never change, are
sincerity and faithfulness. The state of the drunken fish is a holy hymn interwoven by the sweat of work and the
joy after drinking. In this special spiritual realm, there are neither chains of doctrines, nor all kinds of scruples.
Therefore, you can gulp when you want to drink wine, you can sing out loud as you please; excepting hypocrisy and
phoniness that are way of life. This spirit is very plain and natural.
Most of the time, we live our lives involuntarily. When can we spoil ourselves for once and freely express our real
personality then? Maybe there comes a time when we cry if we want to, laugh whenever we feel like it. That,
can be a luxurious joy.
Drunken fisherman …... Hangover......Warmth in my heart, Lingering on.........
The Fisherman's Singing
Music and Lyrics by CHIN Tieh-Chang
There my boat is In the vast ocean
Accompanied by the emerald sea and the bluesky
Ah, I sail along the current Navigate toward the horizon
Lining up with the seagulls and the breeze
I spread the fishing net Just like my unfolding heart
I shall forget in the blue sky The romantic love
The turbulent river flows to the east Cleansing the mundane worries and sorrows
Glad to see the boat filled with fish and shrimps Warmth in my heart
Ah, the glow of the setting sun reddens the mast Young and happy singing
Roaming freely

发表于 2014-11-4 07:04:17 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-11-5 01:52:09 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2014-11-5 12:44:27 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最後由 yiminnn 於 2014-11-5 12:47 編輯
wingplum 發表於 2014-11-4 07:04

 楼主| 发表于 2014-11-5 12:45:07 | 显示全部楼层
地衣 發表於 2014-11-5 01:52
何不放上您弹的《醉渔》音频,与大家分享一下您从Mina的演唱得到的共振的启示。呵呵。 ...

发表于 2014-11-5 19:01:54 | 显示全部楼层
yiminnn 發表於 2014-11-5 12:44

It is dualistic to consider actions meritorious,sinful or neutral. The non-undertaking of meritorious,sinful and neutral actions is not dualistic. The intrinsic nature of all such actions is voidness,wherein ultimately there is neither merit nor sin nor neutrality, nor action itself. The nonaccomplishment of such is the entrance into nonduality.
发表于 2019-7-23 09:50:51 | 显示全部楼层

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